Welcome to your next job

Tracksuit shape

Meet (some of) your new team

You can't have a great product without a great team, and we think we're pretty great. Here are a few of the faces you might see around Tracksuit HQ during your interview process.

Profile photo of Madi Ostoja

Madi Ostoja, Senior Engineer

I started my career on hard mode by cofounding a funded startup. After several years, too much burnout, and a lot of lessons learnt, I found myself here at Tracksuit and I've never been happier. I focus on the frontend and love bringing tangible interfaces to life for users. And while I no longer run my own startup, I do always have a side hustle on the go. Outside of work you can find me riding motorbikes and taking photos on cameras old enough to be my parents. I'll be one of the main people offering mentorship for you after joining Tracksuit :)

Stuart Donald, Head of Engineering

I grew up on a farm in the Waikato, started my career as a Mechanical Engineer, but have been working in Software Engineering for the last 20 years. I’ve got 3 kids, 2 dogs, love to play sport (Squash, Tennis, MTB, Fishing), enjoy a good Hazy IPA, and live up on the North Shore. I was the first technical hire at Tracksuit, back when there were only 7 of us, it’s been an amazing journey since then! I now get to work with a talented bunch of humans building the Tracksuit product. I don’t get to write as much code as I used to, though you still might see a few sneaky PR’s coming from me. My role now is mostly helping and supporting the team to build great products.

Profile photo of Stuart Donald
The tracksuit team
Tracksuit shape
Profile photo of Chris Barret

Chris Barret, Principal Developer

I’m on the engineering team, focused on our infrastructure and developer tooling. I enjoy lying in wait in the river, eyes poking just above the surface, waiting for an automated alert to approach the channel for a drink. Then I pounce, locking my jaws around it and I drag into down to the depths so I can inspect the logging metadata and any stack traces. It struggles to escape but I clamp my jaws like a vise and twist and twist, tearing the alert apart to expose the correlation IDs I will use to trace the request throughout the system. In a final fitful struggle, the alert attempts to recur, but I silence it.

Leighton van Rooijen, Intermediate Engineer

I grew up on a farm all the way at the bottom of New Zealand which lead me to trying my hand at dairy farming after securing a bachelor of commerce and agriculture. However, once I discovered Free Code Camp it didn’t take me too long to realise that my passion was software not farming. 6 months and a quick move to the the other side of NZ later I was sitting in my first software engineering job. In my spare time you can find me playing football, tennis and bouldering. I’m also big reader, photographer and of course love building side projects.

Profile photo of Leighton van Rooijen
Profile photo of Anna An

Anna An, Intermediate Engineer

I was a self-taught programmer for a few years, and opted to do a coding bootcamp, Dev Academy, after graduating high school. I joined Joyous as a software engineer as my first job, then moved onto Spidertracks as an intermediate engineer, and now here I am at Tracksuit! I work closely with the research team to build and maintain tools to optimise their workflows. A fun fact - I’m a keen golfer! I played golf competitively for 10 years when I was younger, and still play the occasional round of golf out at Muriwai GC :) I also do coding contests on the weekends and solve coding challenges for fun!

An event at Tracksuit HQ
Tracksuit shape

What to expect


Exponential career growth

Your growth will be limited only by yourself. We assess positions purely on ability rather than time in the job, and provide pathways for advancement to suit every goal.


Full ownership and responsibility

Our junior engineers have the same kinds of responsibilities and ownership over projects as our seniors. We'll provide support, mentorship, and guidance, but you'll be holding the reigns.


Mentorship from the best

We're a close-knit team who support each other, and this is no different for our juniors. You'll have unlimited access to our best engineers, along with a dedicated mentor for support on your journey.


A culture of inclusivity and support

We care deeply about being inclusive and supportive, beyond rainbow lanyards and pink cupcakes. From our full salary transparency to diversity initiatives, we want to support our Trackstars to show up as they are